

  1. 優惠期至2024年12月31日。
  2. 此優惠只限提前在網站/電話預約後方可使用。使用優惠前須提供優惠碼,以享優惠。
  3. 以上項目不可與其他優惠項目同時使用,亦不能轉讓亦不可兌換成現金及不可轉換為其他產品及服務。
  4. 優惠只適用於保誠保險有限公司之客戶。
  5. 如要享此優惠,必須先成為醫思健康(EC Healthcare) 旗下品牌會員。優惠期內,每人每個項目只限享用一次。
  6. 客人使用優惠前必須提供身份證號碼及身份証明文件以作預約及核實之用,並應清楚同意本公司所安排之療程及內容。
  7. 18歲以下人士需由家長或監護人陪同方可進行療程。
  8. SEMG電腦脊骨掃瞄檢查優惠全線分店適用,衝擊波療程只限指定分店適用。
  9. 如有任何爭議,香港醫思醫療集團(EC)保留最終決定權。

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why choose NYMG?
500,000 Over Real Testimonials
No1 in Hong Kong ​One-Stop Pain Management Center​
17 Years of Pain Relief Experience
A Global Team of 290+ Medical Professionals
98% Treatment Success Rate
99% Customer Satisfaction
Certified Safe by US FDA
*1 Determined based on clinical cases from EC Healthcare (the total number may vary over time).​
*2 Based on Frost & Sullivan's market research, determined by the total number of branches and total revenue of New York Medical Group in 2022.​
*3 Total number of medical professionals in the EC Healthcare's medical team (the total number may vary over time).​
*4 Treatment effectiveness varies from person to person. The above data is based on statistical conclusions derived from questionnaires filled out by our center's clients and their corresponding ratings.​
*5 Designated treatments (contact the professional medical team for details).
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