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Phone Addiction in Children: Higher Risks of Neck Pain and Bone Spurs

With the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets, they have become an indispensable part of our lives, playing an important role in not only entertainment but also work and education. It is no surprise that you see many people with their heads buried in their devices while walking down the street.

In the past, “phone addicts” were mostly adults, but in recent years more and more children and even toddlers become addicted to phones. According to a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Department of Health, the median age at which local toddlers start using tablets is 16 months. Prolonged use of electronic devices is giving rise to cervical spine problems in the younger generation, which is very worrying.


If children lower their heads to stare at electronic screens for a long time, it increases the pressure on their neck and spine, leading to neck pain. The pain usually starts from the shoulders and gradually spreads to the neck. Patients may even experience spinal misalignment and subluxation in severe cases. If they maintain a habit of lowering their heads for a long time, it greatly increases the risk of developing bone spurs. If your child experiences discomfort in their spine, joints, or muscles, you should stay alert. As young children have higher flexibility, they may not feel pain in the early stages. If they start to experience neck pain, the issue may have already developed for some time or to a certain degree.


Parents should help their children maintain correct postures since they are young or teach them to do some neck stretching exercises to relieve the burden on the neck muscles. This can prevent the cervical spine from tilting forward for a long time, which could affect the normal development of the cervical spine.

To prevent cervical spine problems in children, parents should lead by example and try to reduce screen time, and engage in different outdoor activities with their children. If you suspect that your child has a cervical subluxation, bring them to a doctor for examination and treatment as soon as possible to prevent the problem from worsening.

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Source: NYMG

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