脊醫治療與物理治療都屬於保守性治療方式,藉著不打針、不吃藥、不開刀的前提下進行治療,亦會運用輔助性的治療儀器針對肌肉及關節痛症進行治療。 不同的地方是:
Pregnant women bear extra body weight and pressure on the joints. Spine and Physiotherapy is an appropriate way to relieve discomfort due to excessive pressure on the shoulders, lower back and legs. As it is a drug-free treatment method to ease symptoms of headaches or dizziness, many pregnant women receive regular chiropractic examination and treatment. However, as a reminder, it is always good to ask if your practitioner is experienced enough with similar cases on your first visit.
Neck and spinal damage can happen to anyone regardless of age. Parents’ ignorance in such damage can cause harm to children’s muscle, and bone development.