2023 The Favourite from Healthcare Professionals Pain and Physiotherapy Brand Award The Exclusive Selection in the Pain Relief Industry United Nations Hong Kong Achievement Award Based on the 2022 United Nations Hong Kong Achievement Award Winners List
治療效果 :
控制頸椎及腰椎的伸展與旋轉角度, 補充椎間盤水份,促進血液循環,幫助及加速椎間盤自我修復
脊椎引力減壓,減輕椎間神經受壓, 享受無痛生活
升級技術,可作出更精密矯正, 適合情況中度、活動能力理想之患者
治療時間短,每節療程只需15分鐘, 速效、舒適
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